Bullying & Harassment
Bullying is never ok. It’s hurtful and can impact someone for a long time. Remember, there are people you can talk to and things you can do to stop the bullying.
We believe….
- We all have the right to be treated as worthwhile, important individuals
- This means being treated fairly and with respect
- We all have the right to come to school feeling happy, safe and comfortable
- People who harass are stopping others from getting as much out of school as they should. Those who are harassed find that it interferes with their learning. Sometimes they change school, or feel that they can’t join in
- School should be a happy and safe place for all those who attend
What can we do?
When we are harassed, we may feel humiliated, angry, embarrassed, frightened, and uncomfortable.
These feelings can be dealt with through the following steps:
- Ignore the problem if you can (for a short time – up to a week) OR
- Tell the person who is harassing you to stop.
- If a person is harassing you make it clear to the person that you want them to stop. (Practice saying “Don’t do that please” or “Please stop”).
- ASK FOR HELP AND ADVICE from anyone you feel comfortable with – friends, parents, guardians, Wellbeing Leaders, teachers, CPSW or peer support leaders
- If you talk to staff they will discuss possible strategies with you for dealing with the harassment. They will make notes about the incident. This is called an Informal Report.
- Make a formal report – Harassment forms are available from Student Services
- If you choose to take further action you can ask one of the following:
- A teacher you feel comfortable with to help you sort it out at school level
- Year Level Coordinators
- Wellbeing Leaders
- Deputy/Assistant Principal (Year Level Leaders)
- Principal (an appointment can be made using the referral form at the Student Services)
AFTER REPORTING: If the problem has been solved then no further action taken
OR Offender spoken to and provided with counselling
OR Disciplinary action taken
If the problem has not been solved then parents will be contacted
OR Department for Education
OR Advice sought from the Equal Opportunities Officer or DECD Legal
AND the person who supported you will check with you to see how things are going and how you are feeling.