
Regular and punctual attendance at school is necessary for students to learn effectively and to achieve success in their learning.


  • Attendance is a key driver of success at school. It is important that families support their students to be at school every day.
  • Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.40am and to punctually attend Home Group and all lessons.
  • If students do not attend a morning Home Group period, they are required to go to Student Reception to have their time of arrival and daily attendance recorded.

Leaving school during the day

  • Students who need to leave school for medical or other appointments need consent from their parent / caregiver.
  • Students sign out at Student Services and on returning, the student signs in again at Student Services.
  • Students are not permitted to leave school grounds for the purpose of purchasing lunch.

Absence from school

  • If students are absent from school due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, parents are required to telephone the school’s absence phone line on 8557 0103 on the morning of the absence.
  • Parents / students may be required to provide a medical certificate to explain absence which exceeds three consecutive days.

Extended absence from school (non-medical)

  • If parents wish to apply for permission for a student to be absent from school for more than four days, a Principal approved exemption is required prior to absence.
  • Exemption forms are available from Student Services.


  • Students enrolling at Willunga High School are required to wear the school uniform with pride, in line with our School Uniform Policy, available on our school’s Policy page.

Computer & Internet access at school

  • Students are expected to use the Willunga High School 1:1 Laptop Program and connect to our school network, access programs, the Internet, print and save their work to our school’s server 24/7.
  • All students will be required to adhere to the Willunga High School Policy and Processes respecting the Digital Citizenship

Mobile phones & other devices at school

  • Students must take responsibility for the safe keeping of personal mobile phones, laptop computers, portable music devices and ICT storage devices. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or theft of such items.
  • Mobile phones are to be turned off and placed in their bags during the school day as per the Mobile Phone and Personal Devices Policy.


  • To be successful at secondary school, students must undertake work at home in addition to their contact time in lessons.
  • Homework is often ongoing assignment work that gives students valuable practice in working independently, consolidating and applying their learning. It is an integral part of the curriculum that is essential to encourage and support progress in each subject.
  • As a guide, homework in year 7, 8 & 9 should generally involve 5 hours per week, in year 10 & 11 between 6 to 9 hours, and in year 12, approximately 12 hours per week.

Travel to & from school

  • All students traveling on the school bus service are required to adhere to the School Bus Code of Conduct, available on our school’s Policy page.


  • Students are expected to contribute to a litter free school environment.
  • Students must cooperate with staff requests to clean up when asked.