
Participating in extra-curricular activities allows students to develop strong relationships with their peers and a stronger sense of belonging to the community.


All extra-curricular programs are mentored by our school staff members.



Students identified for the High Intellectual Potential Pathway program are involved in:

  • ​​Enrichment activities both within and outside of the classroom/school environment
  • An Individualised Learning Plan to support their classroom engagement
  • Opportunities for extension in their studies (such as undertaking selected subjects in an advanced year level)
  • STEM programs and activities

This program is suitable for:

  • ​​Students achieving in the top 10% of their same aged peers
  • Students who display a high level of motivation toward their studies or area/s of academic interests and abilities


When:  Every Thursday at lunch time

Where: Indigenous Garden and Orchid House

Mentor: Ms Dix and Mr Brooks

Learn about orchid culture, native orchids, and prepare and maintain orchids for competitions. Students enter competitions across the state, including the OCSA’s monthly floral competitions and the Royal Adelaide Show where Willunga High School took out the Champion School Orchid Display and overall Champion Orchid Display prizes in 2018 and 2019.

Students with a particular interest in biology, the environment or conservation are encouraged to join Orchid Club.


Do you identify as a LGBTQIA+ person or consider yourself an ally?

Rainbow Alliance is an opportunity for students of all year levels to meet once a week and just have a chat and hangout. Each session will change format, depending on what YOU want.

Sometimes just having a place to go and having a chance to talk to like minded people is an amazing way to analyse the situation and understand that you’re not alone, also meet new friends!


When:  Thursday lunch times

Where: Room 108 (ground floor of Learning Hub)


Board Games Club is a fun activity group who gather to play board games once a week. Students get the opportunity to play a variety of board games from a free stock pile at school or personal games that they may choose to bring in and share with friends. It’s a great place to meet new people or spend time with your friends in a fun environment.


When: Thursdays from 3.10pm → 4.00pm
Term 1 weeks 3 → 10
Term 2 weeks 2 → 9
Term 3 weeks 2 → 9
Term 4 weeks 2 → 8

Where: Learning Hub (Library)

Mentor: A minimum of two teachers are available each session (1 English / HASS and 1 Math / Science)

Teachers are available each session to provide extra support, clarification and work completion opportunities for students.

Consent forms are available from Student Services.

Please note: students will be required to find their own method of transport home from school as the school bus service will be unable to cater for students after their regular departure time.


Willunga High School has a proud tradition of involvement in a variety of sports, including:

  • Volleyball
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Netball

Our school participates in knockout sports throughout the year, playing against schools across our region.  This is an ideal opportunity for students to experience competition at a high level, where the aim is to win each game to progress to the final stage of the knockout competition.

School sport offers students the opportunity to develop their abilities, work as a team and enjoy themselves by participating in competitions.


When: TBA

Where: Adelaide Showground


Willunga High School Art students have the opportunity to enter and display their artwork in the Junior Art, Craft and Design competition at the Royal Adelaide Show (funded by WHS Arts).