Year 12 Formal – Postponed

Please note the year 12 formal has been postponed.  Click here for more details: School News

The 2020 Willunga High School Year 12 Formal will be held at Serafino’s on Friday 27 March from 6:00pm to 10:30pm. Canapés and photos will be between 6:00pm and 7:00pm, during this time parents are welcome to join us. Students will not be permitted into the venue after 7.00pm.

Tickets are $100 per person which includes canapés and a 2-course sit down meal, soft drinks, photographs and decorations. A deposit of $50 must be paid by Friday 28 February with full payment no later than Friday 20 March. Tickets are non-refundable after the close of sale due to venue booking.

While the formal is a social occasion, it is a school function and normal school expectations are therefore placed on those who attend. This includes appropriate behaviour, dress and conduct inside and outside the function. These expectations will also apply to any outside guests attending. Guests’ behaviour will be seen to be the responsibility of the Willunga High School student who invites them.

There is to be no backpacks in the venue, no alcohol consumed before or during the Formal and smoking is not permitted. Students are expected to stay until the end of the evening. Anyone who leaves the function before 10:30pm cannot return.

We look forward to the Formal and hope that the Year 12 Students and guests have an enjoyable and memorable evening.