Sister Schools

Willunga High School has been very privileged to share a fabulous relationship with our Sister Schools

Okayama Shoka Senior High School

Our Sister School relationship with Okayama Shoka commence in 2006. This program was set up so that students from both countries get a real taste and appreciation of another culture. This biannual exchange gives students from both countries the opportunity to experience life in with a Homestay family and attend school for 10 days in the host country.

During our visit to Japan, students are presented a fully timetabled program of Japanese culture. Along with excursions to local temples and attractions, we are taken to Hiroshima and Miyajima (Shrine Island). We have been committed to learning about World Peace and leaving 1000 paper cranes at the Peace Park each visit.

At school in Japan we are given so many amazing lessons such as Calligraphy, Martial Arts, Astronomy, Tea Ceremonies and much more. Following the school experience, we leave to enjoy a cultural tour of the country. For students at Willunga, this involves visiting Kyoto, Nara and Tokyo. In total the entire trip is usually 18 days long.

In the alternate years, we warmly welcome students and staff from Okayama Shoka Senior High School to visit us here at Willunga High School, hosted by families and students from our school and local area. Willunga High School students are encouraged to enjoy the experience of hosting an Okayama student when they visit our school and make a lifelong connection with a Japanese friend and their family.

Instituto de Educación Secundaria Jamie II

Willunga High School has a sister school in Spain, supporting our goal to develop global awareness for our students, fostering their ability to understand and act on issues of global significance, and helping them use their globally minded skills of respect and knowledge to make positive contributions to a globalised world.

On 13 of February 2023 the Education Office of Spain in Australia and New Zealand officially announced our sister school arrangement between Instituto de Educación Superior Jaime II (IES), located in the city of Alicante, Province of Valencia, in the south of Spain and Willunga High School.