Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning, also known as Work Experience, is a great chance for students to learn outside of the classroom and test drive a future career.


It allows students to gain first-hand, on-the-job experience and begin to develop their own career direction. The true value of work experience is to gain a taste of occupations while also helping to gain workplace confidence, build work readiness skills and build relationships with businesses in the local area. Plus, this is a great way for students to build their resume and start a list of future referees.

Some vocational education and training (VET) courses require a work placement to complete some competencies.

Year 10 students undertake a Work Placement in Week 10 of Term 3 in 2023. If these dates (25 to 29 September) do not suit an employer, then a student can choose to conduct their placement during the Term 3 holiday period.

Timetabled classes will not run during Week 10 of Term 3 for Year 10 students, however a class will run during this time for those students not engaging in a Work Placement in Week 10. Year 10 students not on Work Placement will be provided an alternate assignment to complete during Week 10.

Year 9 Students who are studying Work Education in 2023 (either Semester 1 or Semester 2) are eligible to also complete a Work Placement in Week 10 of Term 3.

Workplace Learning is COVID-19 dependent, therefore if restrictions change then student and parents will be notified.

For more information, please contact our VET / SACE Coordinator via on 8557 0100.