Teaching & Learning
We are committed to ensuring all students have access to high quality and innovative teaching. We have high expectations of everyone in our school community and are committed to developing a school of educational excellence.
In our classrooms you will see ….
Our Staff:
✓ Provide and seek consistent and quality verbal and written feedback for our students.
✓ Utilise SEQTA to plan and deliver lessons and use other forms of technology to enhance student learning and engagement.
✓ Provide opportunities for all students to succeed through differentiation and stretch teaching practices.
✓ Consistently promote the school’s Student Learning Expectations and follow the Behaviour Management Policy. Respect underpins all communications with students, parents and colleagues.
✓ Display Learning Intentions in each lesson and reinforce the intention(s) at the conclusion of the lesson to ensure understanding.
✓ Follow approved SEQTA programs and deliver one Common Assessment Task per term to promote consistency in teaching and moderation of student achievement.
✓ Use Growth Mindset language and concepts to build student resilience and wellbeing to enhance achievement.
Our Students:
✓ Are ‘Responsible’ for their learning and consistently strive to achieve their personal best. Consistently utilise SEQTA and selected /CT device for learning. Submit drafts in order to receive effective feedback.
✓ Are ‘Respectful’ towards all members of the class and follow the Student Learning Expectations and Behaviour Management Policy. The Student Learning Expectations are visible in the classroom and referred to by teachers. Students are expected to consistently follow these positive behaviours.
✓ Value ‘Success’ in all facets of their learning and celebrate this success with their peers, teachers and families. Students strive for success in all aspects of their learning. Their work is differentiated to suit their needs and their achievements are shared with parents and the wider school community.
✓ Are ‘Resilient’ and adopt a Growth Mindset approach when challenged with difficult or unfamiliar circumstances in their learning. Students are consistently presented with Growth Mindset language/concepts. Mindset resources are visible in the classroom to ensure students embrace challenges in their learning.
✓ Are engaged in their learning including innovative, collaborative and inquiry based problem solving. Students are provided with evidence based activities and opportunities for student driven, collaborative and problem based learning.