Middle School

Our Middle Schooling philosophy aims to provide students with a positive and supportive learning environment that is tailored to suit the needs of young adolescents.


Middle School at Willunga High School includes students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Our students engage with the Australian Curriculum presented through the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program framework. Our middle school features a culture of care where learner achievement, student engagement, inclusion and wellbeing are our key focus areas.

This includes:

  • International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. Our Middle School students engage with the IBMYP which is a framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world, whilst developing active learners and internationally minded young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers. Students engage with the eight subjects of Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Maths, Science, Physical and Health Education, the Arts and Design. Students develop themselves personally through the 10 Learner Profile attributes of Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk Takers, Balanced and Reflective.
  • Students are provided with a coordinated program designed to ensure a smooth transition. Students are placed in Learner Profile Development Groups based around information gained through Primary School Teachers and Caregivers through a supportive transition process. Open Nights and Principals Tours are also available to help ease anxiety around starting at a new school.
  • A dedicated Year Level Coordinator works with Students, Teachers and Caregivers to support student success.  This person, along with Learner Profile Development Teachers, is a key contact person for parents and students.
  • A dedicated Year 7 Area during break times allows students to reduce anxiety by socialising with same age peers.
  • Minimising the number of teachers who take each student, enabling students to develop positive relationships with staff and a sense of connection and belonging. This also allows the teacher to develop a crucial understanding of the learner which supports curriculum differentiation and facilitation of flexible, student centred learning.
  • Students stay with a consistent group of students for core subjects (Japanese, Maths, Language and Literature, Science and Individuals and Societies). Students will divide into smaller groups for practical subjects, like Physical and Health Education, Home Economics, Dance, Drama, Art, Music and Design Studies.
  • Classrooms are designed with quality teaching practice in mind. This includes opportunities for classes to used shared spaces for collaborative teaching and learning.
  • Students are expected to use the 1:1 Laptop Program to enable use of technology within the classroom and to ensure all students have equal opportunity to develop ICT capabilities and digital literacies.
  • Students have access to a variety of specialty learning areas such as Science, Art, Music, Design Studies, Home Economics and Drama rooms when needed as part of their lessons.
  • Opportunities for extra support in Literacy and Numeracy are provided for students identified as needing additional assistance. Through our Differentiation and Stretch program, students are provided with opportunities to be extended within subject areas.
  • Recognition Events celebrate student achievement and positive contribution to the school community and foster a culture of learner achievement and engagement.